Friday, March 16, 2012

How do we graph rotations?

 A rotation is a transformation that turns the figure around the fixed point or the origin . When you want to rotate and don't want to use the entire word rotation you can just write capital R then degrees in the lower right bottom of the letter R. 
R is for rotation (ex: R90) &
r is for reflection (ex: ry-axis)
Rotation rules:
90 degrees = (x,y) --- (-y,x)
180 degrees = (x,y) --- (-x,-y)
270 degrees = (x,y) --- (-y.x)

  • Rotation by 90° about the origin: R(origin, 90°)
    A rotation by 90° about the origin can be seen in the picture below in which A is rotated to its image A'. The general rule for a rotation by 90° about the origin is (A,B) (-B, A)
  • picture of rotation by 90 degrees about origin

2) Rotation by 180° about the origin: R(origin, 180°)
A rotation by 180° about the origin can be seen in the picture below in which A is rotated to its image A'. The general rule for a rotation by 180° about the origin is (A,B) (-A, -B)
    picture of rotation by 180 degrees about origin

3) Rotation by 270° about the origin: R(origin, 270°)
A rotation by 270° about the origin can be seen in the picture below in which A is rotated to its image A'. The general rule for a rotation by 270° about the origin is (A,B) (B, -A)
    picture of rotation by 270 degrees about origin

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